Saturday, November 17, 2012

Compound living

Saturday afternoon the compound is alive with kids of all ages down by the river, kids on bikes, skateboards, stollers, families, nannies, dogs. A real united nations of kids mostly chatting in english with their own accents. The pre teen girls are probably the hardest age here. Pre teen boys more involved with their bikes and skating ramps. Dogs. Who in their right mind would bring a st.bernard to Vietnam. Felt so sorry for him/her as it lumbered around being walked by a maid. At least the grey great Dane was slow but not burdened with long hair. Then there was the dog being exercised by a maid on a bicycle. I feel somewhat guilty about knowing the playlist at the massage place. Maybe I've been there too often??? I've made breakfast, washed dishes, load of laundry. Not bad for a houseguest! Don't want ms Han to run away when she comes in on Monday. I'm sure she will be tired taking care of new mommy and grandson. He was 3kg which is 6.6 lbs. 2 wks early. Quiet Sunday planned.

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