Thursday, May 13, 2010


thursday: walked out of gate and two doors away the us state department vn guard said "good morning madam"; me: good morning; him: how are you today? me: hot, how are you? him: me too.

in the city that afternoon, an elderly couple approached me and asked if i knew if a supermarket was nearby. another inquiry! i'm getting to be a regular at answering tourist questions! anyhow i explained that to my knowledge there wasnt anthing in the city but they should look for a circle k which is like a 7-11 or milk bar (i think they were british or australian). the just were looking for some milk or drinks i think.

friday: dad invited 12 for cocktails tonight - shanks contingent customers from texas and some mgmt. stress level goes up when he entertains.


  1. Lovin' your new blogs...

    Mine will return in about three weeks when i return to Eire's sod.

  2. my blogs are not nearly as entertaining as yours but basically a journal to keep the family up to date (and remind me what i wore before). and photo card gets lost in card slot on this laptop so no photos available to upload unfortnately.

  3. I am enjoying your new blogs immensely. Very interesting slice of daily life. It has been so long since I have been in VN that I am vicariously traveling wtih you. Good job.

    It's a good thing I don't have to post my wardrobe in my blog. It would be jeans, jeans, jeans and heavy sweaters. Dancing shoes at night.
